I first understood JD Unwin's theory concerning the 86 civilizations that collapsed due to changes in sexual morality of a society, and its relationship to the r/K theory of evolutionary psychology based on the work of this channel almost a decade ago. I have since went on to read JD Unwin's book myself and a number of other supporting theorists and ideas as well, all supporting this Idea. But this video was a monumental work that shined a much needed light on an obscure but revolutionary thinker; JD Unwin. The video was called 'How women destroy civilizations" that was censored from youtube. Here it is re-uploaded by a fan of the work. Very worth your time and if you want to skip everything I have to say and just watch the video I hope that you do at least that much. If you're interested in seeing JD Unwin and r/K theory from another perspective with some more supporting evidence watch this video. I don't agree with everything he says (do people really have to be told this? I think for myself and so should you.) But Props to the Black Pigeon Speaking.
Here is my review of that video: I think his basic premise is correct, I think this only happens when a society is so corrupt, and morally bankrupt and decadent that we've become predominantly r-selected.
It’s a bit of the chicken or egg first problem, but I believe that r-selection occurs during ‘Good times’ and an excess of resources diminishes selection pressure that is the normal status quo brought on by lack of resources. When this situation inverts, and lack of resources turns into a glut of food, the dominant game theoretic strategy to win isn’t ‘Quality’ of Offspring, but ‘Quantity’ of offspring. Since food is no longer an issue, the Old rules no longer apply. Or do they?
It is my contention that this r-selection, this shifting of morality towards Orgiastic indulgence and the loosening of social mores to facilitate more offspring in a feedback loop of excess and degeneracy also precedes the collapse as Quality is sacrificed on the Altar of Quantity, so to do Strong Men become Weak Men in a few generations. Women rebel at an instinctual level and betray that weakening society to their enemies precisely because they despise Weak Men and this is a good thing. This is a key distinction and I’m not apologizing for the women, just pointing out that Weak Male societies should die and women help that along. In my scenario, women are the unwitting and subconscious backstop to a decaying and decadent society already sliding into decay from the excess of r-selection. Their enabling the destruction is the effect, not the cause. So lets break this down.
What is r/K Theory or the Evolutionary Psychology behind politics?
r/K selection theory applied to human psychology is merely the observation that r-selected species occur when resources are prevalent in nature, and therefor we have no rational basis to preclude humanity from this same observation. This is both self-evident and obvious that some biological change must occur when selection pressure stops. This is ‘r-selection’ when there is less need for quality, and quantity of offspring is the determining factor of who’s genes pass on to the next generation. Those who follow the Old set of rules: Monogamy, Chastity, etc. are quickly outpaced in the game of who passes on the most genes, by those who breed indiscriminately. This also the basic premise of the movie ‘Idiocracy’ and it is essentially true and obviously so. When death is no longer knocking on every door for every newborn from lack of food or decreases in sickness, or advanced medicine, in short, when Good Times roll, then this lack of selection eliminates the bottle neck for fitness, and a proliferation of new genes, both good and bad begin to flood the landscape.
Some people have mistakenly pointed out that those who fit the category of ‘breeding indiscriminately’ the most also tend to use a lot of birth control and abortions. The modern ‘Left’ is definitely not so easily categorized. This is not a valid critique. We evolved over the last hundred thousand years at least with this Sine Wave of r/K selection being a balancing act of evolution. Modern technology does not change our biology or our set of evolved traits. What we are describing is what occurred in the past, and what is biologically bred into the bone. Technology is another abstraction layer that must be accounted for separately once this biological layer is understood.
In time, since nothing is selecting them out, per game theory, ‘bad’ genes proliferate and overtake the gene pool since selecting purely for quantity will outpace the increased friction induced by selecting for quality, because quality (intelligence, frugality, planning, discipline, order, structure, increased parental investment, increased age of maturity, decreased promiscuity) constitutes an obvious drag on the efficiency of just producing by sheer numbers regardless of quality. Think rabbits: High speed, low drag breeding machines…but low IQ, no need for a big brain to hunt grass (with a generational turnaround of about 3 months).
Now compare that with wolves which take much longer, about 2 years to maturity. Wolves have Increased IQ because they need to be able to imagine being a rabbit enough to predict and model its behavior. Rabbits are not bottle necked by quality since food is plentiful and the only thing keeping them in check is depredation, not food. Rabbits are r-selected. Wolves are bottle necked by quality since food is scarce and stupid wolves starve because they can’t outsmart the rabbits. They are K-selected.
Increase that scale into more K-Selection by an order of magnitude and you get humanity, the most K-Selected species there is. But since this is not a binary, but a spectrum, there is still subjective differences amongst human groups. Some being less K-selected than others. When society becomes so successful there is plenty of food for all, we automatically start to ‘relax’ our survival muscles and rest on our laurels. During this boom cycle, similar to easy money of the Fed, we become promiscuous, party goers. Not over night, but slowly and generationally. Since said quality is no longer necessary for survival it diminishes over time. Those qualities no longer predominate because the survival requirments are so minimal just about any genetics that don’t end in immediate death will survive. This sudden lassitude creates a boom of new potential genetic lines, new experiments that evolution or ‘God’ is conducting to allow his creation to blossom into new forms.
This lack of a bottleneck doesn’t immediately change the genetics of a species, it takes a few generations to really kick in. But the testing always comes. The excess always leads to destruction because there is no real external check on the system besides bumping up against environmental constraints, and/or sudden drought and bust. New stricter environmental changes will match only a few of the new genetic lines. The ‘Strong Men’ come again. All the new genetically experimental lines that were too weak to survive are exterminated. Some make it but become the new types, the new K-selected. This sine wave of history is rather well documented. The fractal nature of our own Markets seen from graphs also can be seen as a microcosm of this larger ‘boom and bust’ cycle. The big boom happens for generations of growth and excess before finally we hit the limits of our decadence and a more martial and strict K-selected society destroys us, and the women of our own society help to betray us and destroy it from within. The Archetypal Cosmogonic Chaos is Tiamat, the female destroyer. She is Lillith the demon, she is the Jezebel. She is Kali who presides over the Kaliyuga and the end of the cycle. She is the old crone: Death. The witch. All these Archetypes are the subconscious and collected wisdom of ages upon ages of the same cycle being impressed cross-culturally into our myths, stories and legends. It wouldn’t be that way without a damn good reason.
This change from strict moral chastity into partying and promiscuous behavior followed again by stricter chastity was noticed and documented. First by Nietzsche with his study of the Greeks culminating in his famous Apollonian vs Dionysian, the God of Laws vs. the God of Partying, but also by another Man. This 3-4 generations is what JD Unwin noticed in his studies as documented in his book Sex and Culture. He noticed the same trend that when Man can, he parties until the Bust. When the bill at the end of the night comes due from our massive bender.
In short, it is my contention that This r/K selection is the mechanism that biologically underpins the collapse of society and women are the firing pin of the grenade that men pull when they are too weak. When we've been filled with weak men who pander to their women, (and women naturally and instinctually despise this), and so the women rebel and act to help to destroy said society. IMO this is evolutions( God's way) of ensuring any form of an Idiocracy is impossible. I don't blame the women. But this isn't some way to give them a pass or apologize for them. They are what they are. They are what men made them.
Just as peacock feathers are created by sexual selection of the female peacocks that love those large feathers, Men's preferences over millennia have shaped women to be what they are. We selected for looks which generally speaking indicate health, and sometimes rarely for intelligence. If a man had to choose between an ugly but extremely smart wife, or a beautiful but stupid one, most would pick the latter every time almost universally. These choices over millennia have shaped female genetics. Just as their choices have shaped male genetics. But since men are the dominant sex, women's choices when they had a choice were limited to picking between strong or nice. Strong, capable and vicious? Or Not as strong, and nicer but might end up getting me killed? The most vicious that can protect me, or the nicer one that might not be strong enough.... You begin to see the psychopathy of our species shine in a new light.
Extreme Ownership (something I believe in strongly) demands men shoulder the responsibility because we're the only ones with shoulders broad enough to bear the weight. We chose the vapid stupid behavior because it was inconsequential most of the time. But in a modern context, where women have been given power, suddenly that wasn't such a great idea.
That all being said, I hate weak men as well. Strong Men should lead. But the meta-shit test is that if you are Strong you automatically lead. No one disputes your right to rule. If you’re complaining that you should lead, but can’t, then you are a Weak Male.
Men are the only ones granted by evolution to have a chance at understanding the full scope of reality in such a way that we can see threats miles off. For instance, A female Elon Musk is nearly statistically impossible. IQ results between the sexes shows men have a flatter bell curve with longer tails to either side. This means the further up the scale of IQ you go, the higher the percentage of men. By they time you reach the truly gifted (160 and above), its virtually ALL men. This means high IQ is the land of men.
And the problem is worse. High IQ isn't enough. You also have to disagreeable enough to be a trend setter, to not believe the crowd, to not care about scrutiny and being shunned and hated for going your own way. Brave and uncaring what others think of you and doing it better than all the rest despite them. These are all traits women generally don't have. You also have to be interested in 'Things' and 'Engineering' and not 'People'. Another thing women generally don't have. As the Venn Diagram overlaps the percentage of the population that have all those traits drops to just 1: Elon himself.
This all leads to the conclusion that Leaders are those that survived the Gauntlet of Male competition. Don't blame me, blame the brutality of Evolution culling stupid men that refused to follow stronger men, at prodigious rate for Millenia. Millions of stupid men had to die for 100s of thousands of years so that men would evolve this higher IQ capacity. Its our birthright granted to us by those millions of deaths. And it’s not all roses.
There are also MORE stupid men than women in the lower brackets as well. As a side note this is hilarious to me because this is why women generally in the mid IQ range (most of them) think that all men are stupid. They are unable to recognize genius because they can't comprehend it. The lesser light cannot comprehend the greater and It requires a massive amount of IQ and lack of narcissism to recognize your own stupidity, but its really easy to see when someone else is truly lower IQ than yourself. Thus they have a confirmed bias of never noticing the Men with extremely high IQ (eeew weird he uses big words) and only ever noticing the stupid men.
The reason for the extremism as mentioned by Black Pigeon in his video, Evolution had to make men extremists since in order to potentially find a mate we had to take risks. We're the testing grounds for new genetics. Sometimes it turns out great, sometimes terribly. Intelligence is a fine balance of a vast array of genes and environment. Even a few minute errors in this array means huge swings in the final outcome.
Because of this we have this higher propensity for high IQ, and low IQ, and the further implication is that men have two broad classes: The Generals and the Enlisted (Grunts). Women of course only want to be with the Leaders so the vast majority of the time they wait at the finish line so that they can be with the winners after the Males have sorted themselves all out. This propensity is so strong, the 80/20 rule, that most of the high SMV females would rather share a man that leads, then have exclusive rights to the men that follow.
This leads to strife amongst the ranks of Grunts who might rebel and kill the Leaders if the Leaders take too many wives. To solve this issue, There was a compact, what women think of as the 'Patriarchy' is really an informal agreement for all Men to follow this compact and only take one wife. Most Leaders follow it at least in public.
This is all besides the main point which is that only Men have the capabilities to truly see the larger patterns because of their greater propensity for high IQ. Only men have the shoulders broad enough to bear the weight of the world as Atlas and protect those he loves. Because of the higher proportion of Men within the extremely high IQ ranks, the Good leaders have a larger time horizon (they can remember and recall more details about a broad variety of patterns and subjects for years and years and therefor connect dots that others would miss in the causal chain of events).
Because of this, a good leader has an almost prescient sense of dangers that could be brewing decades away based on trends and pattern recognition that lower IQ women and men would never see.
Its like we’re all standing in a Maze of hedge groves. The higher the IQ, the higher your vantage point. Some are so tall they can almost see over the hedges. Some can see far indeed and can guide us to the next turning without needing to test every path. The vast majority of Humanity stands too short to see even a bare glimpse over the hedges, but about the same proportion of Men who are Tall is about the same proportion of IQ that can see deeply into the future. They are ‘visionaries’.
Again, this is a broad generalization that is mostly true. Some women have this ability, but most don't. They have a smaller time horizon and their memory fades with time far faster. Worse, as has been shown in many studies, lack of Testosterone makes them high in Trait Agreeableness. This makes sense for survival. They depended on each other as a group, being the weaker sex, in order to survive. The 'Sisterhood' is their to protect them and help them survive. However, it also means that as a group they are prone to manufactured consensus reality. 'Group-think'. If one is wrong, they are all likely to be wrong. They think as a hive-mind that forgets the past too easily and has less ability to recognize trends, which leaves them prone to massive blind spots.
In contrast, Men think as an individual, even the low IQ ones.. Men are the defenders. The sensors and the Scouts and the Leaders and finally the Generals who use this information to understand the lay of the land and make a battle plan against the enemy: reality itself. Also the neighboring tribes with their own scouts and generals. We're extremists that try new things, but also the leaders. We use the Grunts to fight, and Generals to know how and where to fight. We bracket the women from both sides of the IQ spectrum to protect in a perfect harmony of evolved traits. Women hold the center, Men hold the edges. We're literally bred to be an Army with Grunts and Generals to protect the soft and tender and easily destroyed underbelly of the Tribe (the women and the children).
Therefor it was men's responsibility to protect the women and the Tribe since we were the only ones capable of doing so. Even if we had to protect the women from their own worst enemies: Themselves. We have the ability to sacrifice the short term pleasure for the long term stability. But we failed. When we capitulated to the women for short term peace (19th Amendment), we ended up setting our society on a course of destruction that is now destroying our society and you can see it happening today. The long term our forefathers sacrificed for short term gains is now here. The bill is due. The Boom is Over. K-selection will re-blossom as Hard Times roll, and Strong K-selected men will rise from the ashes. Let the Hard Times roll!